Capital Credits

Columbus Telephone Company, Inc. is a member owned cooperative. As such, the company is legally compelled to pay out net margins to its members on fixed intervals as set fourth by the board of directors.

Who earns capital credits?

Any customer who has paid the one-time $15 membership fee and has active services that contributed to the company’s margins in a given year.

Columbus telephone customers are REQUIRED to have a membership, membership is ELECTIVE for all other customers. Note: Optic telephone customers are NOT REQUIRED to have a membership.

How’s it work?

Typically in July capital credit allocation notices will be sent out if the prior year had a profit level designated for payout. THIS IS NOT THE AMOUNT THE CUSTOMER WILL GET IN DECEMBER.

Sometime in the middle of the year the board of directors will declare the payout for that December. The payout varies and typically includes 10-15 years prior to the current year – it usually contains a percentage of 2-3 years.

Checks are mailed in the first week of December.




Aug 27, 2015   675   admin    Corporate General  
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