52 BAND #1 $0.32
52 BAND #2 $0.32
52 BAND #3 $0.32
52 BAND #4 $0.36
52 BAND #5 $0.36
52 BAND #6 $0.36
52 BAND #7 $0.36
52 (5) MEXICO CITY, MEXICO $0.36
52 BAND #8 $0.36
NPA CANADA Rate Per Minute
CANADA Origination $0.20





93 Afghanistan 1.20
355 Albania 0.51
213 Algeria 0.56
684 American Samoa 0.40
376 Andorra 0.36
244 Angola 0.52
AI Anguilla 0.67
672 Antarctica 0.00
67212 Antarctica – Casey 0.75
64240 Antarctica – Scott 0.75
AN Antigua/Barbuda (NPA: 0.67
541 Argentina – Buenos Aires 0.00
54c Argentina (Cellular) 1.00
54 Argentina Land Line 0.52
374 Armenia 0.90
297 Aruba 0.47
247 Ascension Island 1.10
61 Australia 0.16
61c Australia (Cellular) 0.59
6138/6139 Australia-Melbourne 0.00
6128/6129 Australia-Sydney 0.00
43 Austria 0.23
43c Austria (Cellular) 0.67
431 Austria-Vienna 0.00
994 Azerbaijan 0.73
BA Bahamas (NPA: 242) 0.23
973 Bahrain 0.90
880 Bangladesh 1.18
880c Bangladesh (Cellular) 2.43
8802 Bangladesh-Dhaka 0.00
BD Barbados (NPA: 246 0.76
375 Belarus 0.58
32 Belgium 0.15
32c Belgium (Cellular) 0.59
322 Belgium-Brussels 0.00
501 Belize 0.89
229 Benin 0.80
BM Bermuda (NPA: 441) 0.28
975 Bhutan 0.81
591 Bolivia 0.82
591c Bolivia (Cellular) 0.74
5913 Bolivia-Santa Cruz 0.00
387 Bosnia-Herzegovina 0.55
267 Botswana 0.42
55 Brazil 0.39
55c Brazil (Cellular) 0.87
5531 Brazil-Belo Horizonte 0.00
5521 Brazil-Rio De Janeiro 0.00
5511 Brazil-Sao Paulo 0.00
BV British Virgin Islands (NPA: ???
503 El Salvador 0.88
503c El Salvador (Cellular) 0.52
240 Equatorial Guinea Republic 1.26
291 Eritrea 1.23
372 Estonia 1.71
372c Estonia (Cellular) 0.41
251 Ethiopia 0.00
298 Faeroe Islands 1.42
500 Falkland Islands 0.47
679 Fiji Islands 0.98
358 Finland 1.08
358c Finland (Cellular) 0.20
358 Finland-Helsinki 0.74
33 France 0.20
33c France (Cellular) 0.14
33 France-Paris 0.59
596 French Antilles/Martinque 0.14
594 French Guiana 0.55
689 French Polynesia 0.62
241 Gabon Republic 0.78
220 Gambia 0.92
995 Georgia 0.85
49 Germany 0.72
49c Germany (cellular) 0.14
49 Germany-Berlin 0.46
233 Ghana 0.14
23321 Ghana – Accra 0.66
350 Gibraltar 0.00
686 Gilbert Island 0.41
30 Greece 1.21
30c Greece (cellular) 0.42
30 Greece _Athens 0.66
299 Greenland 0.42
GN Grenada (NPA: 473) 0.62
590 Guadeloupe 0.78
Guam (moved to separate rate sheet) 0.64
53 Guantanamo Bay 0.22
502 Guatemala 1.11
502c Guatemala (Cellular) 0.51
224 Guinea 0.59
245 Guinea Bissau 0.80
592 Guyana 1.07
509 Haiti 1.11
509c Haiti (Cellular) 0.89
504 Honduras 0.00
852 Hong Kong 0.88
852c Hong Kong (Cellular) 0.16
852s Hong Kong (Special Services) 0.00
36 Hungary 0.59
266 Lesotho 0.38
231 Liberia 0.52
218 Libya 0.18
423 Liechtenstein 0.58
370 Lithuania 1.15
856 Loas 0.23
352 Luxembourg 0.60
352c Luxembourg (Cellular) 0.52
853 Macao 0.64
389 Macedonia 3.39
261 Madagascar 3.29
261c Madagascar (Cellular) 0.64
265 Malawi 0.35
60 Malaysia 0.59
60c Malaysia (Cellular) 0.00
603 Malaysia-Kuala Lumpur 0.99
960 Maldives, Republic of 1.25
223 Mali Republic 0.31
356 Malta Republic 10.17
871 Marisat-Atlantic Ocean 9.36
873 Marisat-Indian Ocean 9.39
872 Marisat-Pacific Ocean 10.30
874 Marisat-West Atlantic 0.67
692 Marshall Islands 0.87
222 Mauritania 1.13
230 Mauritius 0.93
269 Mayotte Island (Comoros) 0.91
691 Micronesia 0.67
373 Moldava 0.26
377 Monaco 0.00
377c Monaco (Cellular) 1.30
976 Mongolia 0.83
RT Montserrat (NPA: 664) 0.81
212 Morocco 0.59
258 Mozambique 1.37
95 Myanmar-Burnma 0.46
7**** Nakhodka 0.44
264 Namibia 1.15
674 Nauru 1.18
977 Nepal 0.13
31 Netherlands 0.59
31c Netherlands (Cellular) 0.56
599 Netherlands Antilles 0.00
599c Netherlands Antilles (Cellular) 0.63
KA Nevis (NPA:869) 0.96
687 New Caledonia 0.20
64 New Zealand 0.20
64 New Zealand – Auckland 0.87
64c New Zealand (Cellular) 0.72
505 Nicaragua 1.50
505c Nicaragua (Cellular) 0.95
227 Niger Repulic 1.16
234 Nigeria 2.68
683 Niue Island (Toniga) 1.23
672 Norfolk Island 1.29
82 South Koreaç 0.17
82c South Korea (Cellular) 0.59
82 South Korea-Seoul 0.96
34 Spain 0.47
34 (93) Spain – Barcelona 1.14
34 (91) Spain – Madrid 1.02
34c Spain (Cellular) 0.63
94 Sri Lanka 0.74
290 ST. Helena 0.49
KA ST. Kitts (NPA: 869) 0.74
SA ST. Lucia (NPA: 758) 0.72
508 ST. Pierre & Miquelon 0.96
ZF ST. Vincent-Grenadinesç 0.42
249 Sudanç 0.14
597 Suriname 0.59
268 Swaziland 0.14
46 Sweden 0.15
46c Sweden (Cellular) 0.54
46 Sweden -Stockholm 0.98
41 Switzerland 0.27
41c Switzerland (Cellular) 0.59
963 Syria 0.00
886 Taiwan 0.61
886c Taiwan (Cellular) 0.85
8862 Taiwan-Taipei 0.58
992 Tajikistan 0.00
255 Tanzania 1.17
66 Thailand 1.22
662 Thailand-Bangkok 0.77
228 Togo Republic 0.62
676 Tonga Islands 0.58
TR Trinidad & Tobago (NPA: 868) 0.00
216 Tunisia 0.74
90 Turkey 0.00
90312 Turkey – Ankara 1.07
90c Turkey (Cellular) 0.68
90212/90216 Turkey-Istanbul 1.19
993 Turkmenistan 0.60
TC Turks & Caicos Islands 0.53
688 Tuvalu 0.64
256 Uganda 0.00
380 Ukraine 0.12
971 United Arab Emirates 0.55
971c United Arab Emirates (Cellular) 0.00
44 United Kingdom 0.71
44c United Kingdom (Cellular) 0.92
44207/44208 United Kingdom-London) 3.20
598 Uruguay 0.22
998 Uzbekistan 0.51
678 Vanuatu Republic 0.59
379 Vatican City 0.00
58 Venezuela 1.39
58c Venezuela (Cellular) 1.50
582 Venezuela-Caracas 1.39
84 Vietnam 1.16
84c Vietnam (Cellular) 1.01
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